CCNW value the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria
Our ESG journey is on track with a sustainability strategy designed to tackle environmental and social issues.
As part of our business strategy, we will report any changes and progress on our ESG performance.
We will respect today’s environment while creating tomorrow’s wildlife environments. Reducing the impact of our activities on global environmental issues such as climate change, ozone destruction, resource depletion, and loss of habitat and biodiversity. We seek to do this by:
- Improving the designs of our wildlife habitats and environmental improvements to deliver high-quality, sustainable places for people to visit and enjoy
- Continuing to be assessed and conform with the requirements of the ISO 14001 environmental management system
- Reducing our impact on the environment, both during and post conservation works, by using less energy, water, and materials and minimising waste
- Effectively managing, monitoring, improving and communicating our environmental performance
- Setting realistic and measurable objectives and targets to effect continual improvement to the environmental performance
- Minimising the volume of waste generated by CCNW’s operations. We will also look to recycle green waste wherever possible
- Actively promote systems of good governance by engaging our staff to comply with our rules and procedures to prevent pollution and minimise the effects on our environment
- Ensuring that waste management is performed in accordance with all waste legislative requirements, including the duty of care, and to plan for future legislative changes and to mitigate their effects
- Providing appropriate training for staff and sub-contractors on waste management issues
- Operating a Purchasing Policy that avoids the use of environmentally damaging products, packaging and services; encourages the reuse and use of recycled materials; and promotes the purchase of items that can have a positive effect on the Environment; e.g. FSC1 timber, demonstrating reasonable steps to promote biodiversity and limit environmental damage
We understand the value our stakeholders place on the natural environment, we create new habitats, and improve biodiversity.

We believe in an environment that promotes health, well-being, and equal opportunities for our staff and the local communities in which we work.
- CCNW is committed to providing equal opportunities in all areas of its activities
- We will work to raise awareness of equal opportunity issues and encourage involvement in CCNW’s activities to be sensitive to the needs of others
- Equal opportunities training will be part of the development and training programme of our staff and directors
- All workers involved in delivering our services are treated with full consideration of their fundamental human rights
- We will ensure systems are in place to protect and promote the health and well-being of our staff, customers and clients
- CCNW will provide a working environment that is open, honest and fair, allowing every individual to make a difference
- We encourage and support staff to achieve their best through continuous development
- CCNW will engage with local government, supporting initiatives to deliver their sustainability aspirations and quality conservation projects in local communities where people aspire to live
- We will engage with and listen to local authorities and community groups so that their views are reflected in how we design and deliver environmental conservation projects
We believe in an environment that promotes health, well-being, and equal opportunities for our staff and the community.

Governance is key to our business. Examples of how we do this are given below:
- Comply with the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System
- CHAS standards in line with SSIP Core Criteria and UK H&S Legislation
- CCNW is committed to implementing the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code
- We will ensure mutually beneficial long-term relationships with our joint venture, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants, which deliver sustainable solutions and encourage progressive implementation of our sustainable procurement policies
- We aim to source products produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe
- We will maintain and improve the standard of our work sites for staff, visitors, the community and biodiversity
- A corporate risk strategy is in place as a Business Continuity Plan to provide continuity of the activities essential to the business and reduce the disruption of clients, customers, employees, and services to an acceptable level
We strive to exceed your expectations, through quality accreditation, expertise and professionalism.

A Life Cycle Perspective
CCNW recognises the need to protect and preserve the natural environment, inspiring people to enjoy the countryside whilst leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
We endeavour to use less energy, water, and materials and minimise waste to reduce our environmental impact during and after conservation works.
End of Life
CCNW undertakes fabrication work, including metal access barriers, picnic benches, kissing gates, vehicle barriers, etc. Also, our timber construction service includes step encasement, footbridges, stiles, and boardwalks. When the above products have reached their natural end of life or require replacement, please get in touch with our conservation team, who can advise on safe ways of disposal and quote for a suitable replacement.
Protecting the natural environment, inspiring people to enjoy the countryside whilst leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.