Cabin Hill National Nature Reserve Scrub Removal
Dynamic Dunescapes Heritage Lottery Fund Partnership
Client: Natural England
Final Value: £10,079
Start Date: Jan 2022
Finish Date: Feb 2022
The Dynamic Dunescapes conservation project aims to rejuvenate some of England & Wales’ most important sand dunes for people, communities and wildlife. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, this project is an innovative 4-year partnership between Natural England, National Trust, Plantlife, The Wildlife Trusts and Natural Resources Wales.
The project members are working collaboratively with local coastal communities to conserve and restore up to 7000ha of dune system in nine areas across England and Wales.
Cabin Hill National Nature Reserve has several habitat restoration projects assigned to it within the Dynamic Dunescapes Project.

CCNW Solution
This project aims to reduce the increasing dense scrub encroachment within Cabin Hill NNR. Natural England Management decided to reduce the amount of densely colonised willow scrub and so aid the restoration of dune slack and grassland species.
Scrub Removal
The removal of willow scrub in conjunction with mowing, bailing, and livestock grazing is recognised as good management techniques in restoring open dunes habitats.
To reduce ongoing nutrient enrichment from decaying root matter and avoid the risk of coppice scrub regenerating, it was decided to uproot the mature willow scrub with its roots attached and then remove it from the site for disposal.
CCNW removed numerous selected stands of mature willow scrub from within designated areas within Cabin Hill NNR. The overall work area covered approximately 1 hectare. Prior to work commencing, stands of rare hybrid willow Salix x friesiana around the fringes of the main selected stands were marked to be retained.
All targeted willow scrub was uprooted by means of using a 9ton excavator equipped with a rake attachment. Allowing the soil to be shaken off the root system and leaving minimum disturbance to the ground
CCNW’s conservation team then carried out chipping of all uprooted willow scrub, of which all chip was placed within a large-skips and transported from the site for disposal/recycled for bio- mass.
Special Features
Habitat improvement works
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Scrub Removal

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