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Little Woolden Moss, Culcheth


Little Woolden Moss, Culcheth

Client: Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Original Value: £17,278

Final Value: £17,278

Start Date: Oct 2015

Start Date: Oct 2015


Duration: 5 weeks


Little Woolden Moss is a SSSI site covering around 114ha and is part of the much larger Chat Moss which cover over 35km2.

It is one of the last remaining lowland raised peat bogs on Chat Moss and features a number of rare species including the black darter dragonfly and the bog bush cricket.

CCNW Solution

CCNW’s professional conservation team has extensive experience with all aspects of habitat management.

Our work involved felling & clearing large areas of young to mature trees (upto 8 years old.) with the purpose of improving the habitats available as part of a larger project to re-wet the mossland.

The stumps were treated with herbicide to prevent re-growth whilst the arisings & surrounding brash was collected & chipped.

Access was a significant problem as the area of work was far from the roads & paths. This meant that we had to carefully plan the project to get machinery on the site.

The neighbour was a farmer and we engaged with them at an early stage as we required across his land. Our Operations Manager built an excellent working relationship. The result was that the landowner offered us his services in terms of being able to use his chipper to help dispose of brashwood.

Special Features

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)


Habitat Management
Hard & Soft Landscaping

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